At Butyotmet, you can pay via online transfer using Przelewy24. By selecting this payment method, you will be redirected to the Przelewy24 system, where you can choose your bank. You will then need to log in with your online banking credentials and confirm the payment. Typically, the funds are credited within a few minutes after the transfer is made.
The Przelewy24 system holds a Business Reliability Certificate and uses SSL encryption, ensuring website protection, confidentiality of electronically transmitted data, and a high level of transaction security.
After completing the payment, you will be redirected to the website, and your order will be successfully placed.
Traditional Bank Transfer
When selecting a traditional bank transfer, after placing your order, you will receive an order confirmation email containing the details necessary to make the transfer. Please remember to include your order number in the transfer title – this will allow us to quickly identify your payment in our system. Once your payment is credited, the order will be immediately processed.
Please note that banking operations and the crediting of funds may take a few business days. Additionally, ensure that you make separate transfers for each order.
If you choose this payment method, please transfer the payment to the business account provided below:
Account Number: 27 1050 1504 1000 0090 3051 0631
Otmęt-Zbyt Sp. z o. o.
ul. Kilińskiego 1,
47-303 Krapkowice
Cash on Delivery
You can pay for your order directly upon receiving the package from the courier. Please ensure that the provided address is correct and includes all the necessary details for delivery. Also, double-check the accuracy of the provided phone number. Remember to prepare the exact amount for payment.